Monday, October 21, 2019

October - Month of the Rosary

Greetings, Everyone!

The full colors of the rainbow of autumn are full upon us in North America,
from pinks, reds, peaches, orange, yellow, gold, and all shades of green
of the leaves, the blue of the sky, and the earthy browns and blacks and
mauves of the paths of the woods.  Praise God for such beauty, order,
and exquisite detail.

October is the month of the Rosary.
Mary exhorts us through the generations to pray the Rosary daily.

Our next Eucharistic miracle occurred in 1284, in the small city of Kranenburg
[Germany] in the district of Kleve, there was a Eucharistic miracle known under
the name of “Miracle of the Miraculous Crucifix.” A sacred Host was thrown near
a tree by a shepherd who was not able to swallow the Holy Eucharist because
of an illness. Later, the tree was cut in half and a perfectly carved crucifix fell to
the ground. On the place where the crucifix was found, a church was built.
That church is still there to this day and numerous pilgrims come to visit it.
Please see

All to Jesus through Mary!  A word on consecration to Jesus through Mary. 
This comes from Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.  “In giving ourselves
to Jesus through Mary’s hands, we imitate God the Father, who gave us His
only Son through Mary, and Who imparts His graces to us only through Mary. 
Likewise we imitate God the Son, who by giving us his example for us to follow,
inspires us to go to Him using the same means He used in coming to us, that is,
through Mary.  Again, we imitate the Holy Spirit, who bestows His graces and
gifts upon us through Mary. ‘Is it not fitting,’ remarks St. Bernard, ‘that grace
should return to its author by the same channel that conveyed it to us?’”

God bless you.