Sunday, April 5, 2020

Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Graces

Hello Everyone!

Praise God, for He is in control of everything.  He continually has said, "Be not afraid."

In this extraordinary time, God is allowing us to gain extraordinary graces.  Please see the Pope's guidelines on how to get plenary indulgences in these days of quarantine:

Please also check for online Masses.  In English language, Masses are offered, daily, all over the world:

Our next Eucharistic miracle comes again from Les Ulmes, France in 1668:

"It was during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for public adoration, that, in place of the Host, there appeared the shape of a man with light-brown hair falling over his back, a luminous face, the hands crossed one over the other, and a white tunic covering the body. After close examination the Bishop authorized devotion to this Eucharistic Miracle. Even today in the church, the recess which contained the miraculous Host for more than 130 years can be seen. The Host was devoutly consumed by the Vicar of Puy Notre Dame during the French Revolution, for fear that this Blessed Sacrament would be profaned."  To see more, please go to

We are praying for the petitions of all of creation and for those of the Blessed Mother.  God bless you.