Hello Everyone,
Our next Eucharistic miracle is as follows: "In August 1383, the village of Wilsnack [Germany] was sacked, robbed and set afire by Count Heinrich von Bulow. Among the ruins of the parish church were found three perfectly intact Hosts, from which Blood flowed. After recovering the Bleeding Hosts, numerous miracles began to be verified. For example, Count Dietrich von Wenckstern, who nurtured many doubts regarding the Bleeding of the Hosts, lost his vision, which was restored only when he repented of having doubted the authenticity of the miracle." "Until the 1500s, Wilsnack became one of the most important places of pilgrimage in Europe." Read more at Eucharistic Miracle of Wilsnack, Germany - 1383.
Pray the Rosary. "There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families...that cannot be resolved by the Rosary." - Sr. Lucia of Fatima. Source: www.michaeljournal.org August/September 2021.
Our address: https://marysgardens1998@blogspot.com. Please verify that you get to the correct address. Our main page has a large image of bright orange flowers headed with the words, Mary's Missionaries.
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God bless you. We pray for every one of you and offer your intentions and needs before our Eucharistic Lord. He loves you. His Mother, Mary, holds you close to Her heart and offers everything to Jesus.