Friday, November 9, 2018

Two Guadalupes

Hello Everyone,

And a special HELLO! to those who have visited this site within the last thirty days, from Kenya, Russia, and the United States.

Eucharistic Miracles.  There are actually TWO Guadalupes.  This Eucharistic miracle comes from Guadalupe, Spain (in 1420).  So you can see where Guadalupe is, included here is a map of the recognized Eucharistic miracles of Spain.

Spain map:

And here is a reference to the miracles of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico.  She presents Herself as being nine months pregnant with Her Incarnate Son:

Just Pray One Hail Mary.

Hail Mary
Full of grace!
The Lord is with You.
Blessed are You among women,
And blessed is the fruit of Your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners
And at the hour of our death.

"God is not outdone by evil."  Fr. Michael Gaitley referencing Romans 5:20.

Fr. Michael Gaitley speaks about Divine Mercy: