Hello Everyone,
And a special hello to visitors from these places within the last 30 days: Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
Merry Christmas!
Reflection. Our King of Kings, Jesus, comes to us as an innocent little baby. How more approachable could God be? Come, let us gather Him into our hearts and adore Him this Christmas season.
Our Next Eucharistic Miracle comes from Herentals, Belgium, in 1412. Stolen consecrated hosts are found intact even after being exposed to the elements, glowing, in the shape of a cross. See http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/english_pdf/Herentals.pdf.
Quotes on Prayer and Peace.
St. Maximilian Kolbe said of the Virgin Mary's tenderness: "“Our dear little, little mother, Immaculate Mary, can do anything for us. We are her children. Turn to her. She will overcome anything.”
Also, Dearest children, I desire very much to tell you, to repeat for you, how good the Immaculate is. That way I could remove forever from your little hearts all sadness, despondency and discouragement. The word “Maria” spoken by a soul steeped in doubts, aridity and even misfortune due to sin reechoes in her heart, which loves us very much. And the greater the unhappiness of a soul sunk in its faults, the more solicitous is the care of her, the Refuge of us poor sinners.
"A world at prayer is a world at peace."
- Venerable Patrick Peyton, Founder of Holy Cross Family Ministries
God's love and peace.
And a special hello to visitors from these places within the last 30 days: Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
Merry Christmas!
Reflection. Our King of Kings, Jesus, comes to us as an innocent little baby. How more approachable could God be? Come, let us gather Him into our hearts and adore Him this Christmas season.
Our Next Eucharistic Miracle comes from Herentals, Belgium, in 1412. Stolen consecrated hosts are found intact even after being exposed to the elements, glowing, in the shape of a cross. See http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/english_pdf/Herentals.pdf.
Quotes on Prayer and Peace.
St. Maximilian Kolbe said of the Virgin Mary's tenderness: "“Our dear little, little mother, Immaculate Mary, can do anything for us. We are her children. Turn to her. She will overcome anything.”
Also, Dearest children, I desire very much to tell you, to repeat for you, how good the Immaculate is. That way I could remove forever from your little hearts all sadness, despondency and discouragement. The word “Maria” spoken by a soul steeped in doubts, aridity and even misfortune due to sin reechoes in her heart, which loves us very much. And the greater the unhappiness of a soul sunk in its faults, the more solicitous is the care of her, the Refuge of us poor sinners.
Never worry that you do not feel this love. If you have the will to love, you already give a proof that you love. What counts is the will to love. External feeling is also a fruit off grace, but it does not always follow the will. Sometimes, my dear ones, the thought, a sad longing, as if a plea or a complaint, may occur to you: “Does the Immaculate still love me?” Most beloved children! I tell you all and each one individually, in her name (mark that: in her name!), she loves everyone of you. She loves you very much and at every moment, with no exception. This, my dearest children, I repeat for you in her name. (April 13, 1933) https://airmaria.com/2018/08/13/the-love-of-the-immaculata-for-souls/
The Blessed Virgin Mary exhorts us, from generation to generation, to "Pray, pray, pray!""A world at prayer is a world at peace."
- Venerable Patrick Peyton, Founder of Holy Cross Family Ministries
God's love and peace.