Saturday, March 16, 2019

Eucharistic miracle of Ivorra, Spain. Power of the Rosary.

A very hearty hello to our visitors from the United States and around the world!

In this part of the world the days are getting longer and warmer.  Along the walls of buildings plants are starting to peek from the earth.  Birds are migrating overhead, going north.  Other birds are settling here, singing their mating calls, and beginning to build nests.

Eucharistic Miracle of Ivorra, Spain, 1010 A.D.  Here a miracle occurred to show the mercy of God in the face of doubt of the true Presence of Jesus Christ - Body Blood Soul and Divinity - as is so common today.

"The miracle occurred: the wine contained in the chalice was converted entirely into live Blood."

Part 1:  (Story)
Part 2:  (Images of relics)

These stories of Eucharistic miracles make beautiful downloads for insertion into your church bulletins.  Many people, we are told, return or turn to the Catholic faith, because they realize through our meager efforts and an act of great grace and mercy from God, that Christ is truly present with us in the Eucharist.

The Power of the Rosary.  "There are those who find the Rosary difficult.  The difficulty lies not in the Rosary but in the complexity of those who struggle to enter into its simplicity.  Invite souls to the prayer of the Rosary; through it I will heal the sick of mind and body, through it I will give peace where there is conflict, through it I will make great saints out of great sinners, through it I will sanctify My priests, give joy to My consecrated ones, and raise up new vocations in abundance.

"Listen, then, to My Mother's plea in so many places.  Listen to her, take her plea to heart, pray her Rosary and, for you as for her, My Father will do wondrous things (Our Lord speaking)."

Source:  In Sinu Jesu, When Heart Speaks to Heart, The Journal of a Priest at Prayer.  Available from Angelico Press

God bless you!