Saturday, February 9, 2019

Works of Mary's Missionaries and Eucharistic Miracle of Herkenrode, Belgium

Hello Everyone!

Our next Eucharistic miracle occurred in Herkenrode, Belgium in 1317.   In this story, a priest went to the home of a sick person.  During that time the consecrated Host he had with him began to bleed.  Seeing this, he made an excuse to leave in order to report the incident to a nearby priest.  Along the way a number of miracles took place.  He Host is now kept in Hasselt, Belgium.  Here is the link:

The power of the Rosary.  "Satan always aims at destroying this prayer [the Rosary], but he will never succeed.  It is the prayer of Her [the Virgin Mary] Who prevails over each and all.  It is She that [sic] taught it to us, as Jesus taught us the Our Father."  - St. Pio of Pietrelcina.

Mary's Missionaries is a network of people from all walks of life - women, men, moms, dads, and children.  We pray with and encourage one another to live holy lives. 

We habitually participate in the following, as frequently as able, for the love of Jesus, through Mary:
Mass attendance, Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), Eucharistic adoration, daily recitation of the Rosary, fasting, consecration to Jesus through Mary, and reading of Holy Scripture.  We participate in devotions, prayers, and charitable activities of one's own choosing. 

Marry's Missionaries Web Address:  This blog address is 

Please watch the computer links:  Please watch the subheadings under this website address; we have noticed that the web links may take you to an entirely different website. 

Have beautiful days ahead.  Jesus loves you dearly.